If you are admitting a patient with pulmonary hypertension:


1. Providers should notify the Pulmonary Hypertension virtual pager (7497) when patients with pulmonary ARTERIAL hypertension (PAH, WHO Group 1), especially those on therapy such as epoprostenol, are admitted. This pager is covered 24/7/365.  When maintenance home therapy is going to run out on weekends or outside of 0700 to 1600 or when there is difficulty reaching 7497 the pharmacy resident on call can continue therapy and is reachable at 6338. 
2. It is not necessary to notify the Pulmonary Hypertension virtual pager (7497) regarding other patients with pulmonary hypertension, such as those with PH caused by chronic conditions such as left heart disease or COPD. 
3. Providers should contact the Pulmonary hypertension virtual pager (7497) when the MICU or CCU suspects PAH or chronic thrombo-embolic disease as the likely contributor to new onset RV failure. 
The full UCMC Prostacyclins policy can be found on the hospital intranet