Guidelines for Participating in Virtual Visits with Subspecialty Faculty

  • Email the attending 1-2 days in advance and ask them for a list of patients you can see during clinic. You will need to ask for their phone number or another way to get in touch with them during the clinic day.
  • Call the patients via Doximity dialer or Zoom ~20-30 minutes before their scheduled appointment time to get the preliminary history to present to the attending
  • Call the attending ~10 minutes before the scheduled appointment time to present the patient.*
  • Join the attending visit via then zoom link (usually listed in the “Huddle Column” or the right hand side of the clinic list) in order to participate in the attending’s appointment with the patient. If it is a telephone only visit rather than Zoom, then ask the attending if they are comfortable initiating a 3-way call with you and the patient.

*If you are physically present with the attending in clinic, you can present the patient in person. Please maintain a distance of 6 feet while presenting and while participating in the tele-health visit if possible.


  • Calling ahead of their scheduled visit time will allow the clinic to run on time so that the attending is not delayed by multiple phone calls to the patient.
  • Sign into the correct context (for example, sign into Hematology/Oncology) to see the patient lists. That will enable you to find the Zoom link.



  • Make sure you ask the attending what type of note they would like you to write. You should generally be a specific virtual visit note if the visit was via Zoom or over the phone.
  • If a resident is writing a tele-health note for an encounter conducted before the attending communicated with the patient, you will need to include a special attestation at the bottom of your note. This attestation is: “.atttelehealthoutpt”
  • Attendings are also supposed to a different attestation than usual when signing a housestaff virtual visit note. This is also “.atttelehealthoutpt” and they should use the Smart text “atttelehealth_teaching_physician”
  • For more detailed information on attestations and demonstration videos, click this link: