Use of Internal Medicine Educational Funds

Purpose: To establish guidelines regarding the use of the Internal Medicine Educational Funds for Internal Medicine Residents.
Policy: The educational fund was established to encourage attendance to regional and national academic conferences and to ensure access to educational resources (books, software, equipment), which will contribute to practice, based learning.  Funds will be made available to all internal medicine house officers (excluding physician scientists.) The actual amount per resident is proportional to the anticipated duration of training at the rate of $300.00 per year. This does not expire at the end of each year and can be used all at once if desired.

Conference Registration

  1. Registration/membership for the conference is mandatory.
  2. Other expenses not covered by the honorarium include alcoholic beverages, personal entertainment expenses (including cover charges), gifts, candy, gum, laundry and dry cleaning expenses, travel expenses for spouses and other dependents, loss or damage to personal property, and all reservation and cancellation charges.
  •  Expense reports for the ACP meeting will not be submitted until after the meeting.
  • Non-ACP conferences may be reimbursed with prior approval by the Program Director.

 Education Materials

  1. Educational materials covered by the honorarium include MKSAP iPad application, medical texts, medical journal subscriptions, Board Review Materials, audiocassettes (including board review, specialty and sub specialty review tapes), medical society dues, and computer software (including board review, medical libraries, texts).
  2. Educational materials not covered by the honorarium include Internal Medicine Board Exam fees and licensing fees.
  3. Required documentation must be submitted before reimbursement.  These include original receipts, cancelled checks, or credit card receipts.  Exceptions to written documentation may be submitted in lieu of original receipts.  Written reports should include details of the cost and nature of the expense, in addition to an explanation of why the original documents were not submitted.  Receipts that fail to document acceptable expenses may be refused.
  4. Reimbursement for educational materials will be accepted between July 1 and June 15 of the year the expense was incurred. Late requests will not be processed.
  5. Original receipts will not be returned.
  6. Expense reports will be processed in 7-10 working days.
  7. Required documentation should be submitted to Tharrie Daniels.


More Educational Fund Opportunities

Travel/Conference Funding by Position


PITCH Fellow MSCP or MSc PSOM Staff IM Resident Undergrad UC Faculty
BSD Office of D&I X X X X
HDSI Travel Grant X X X X
Grad Council X X
myChoice X X X
IM Educational Fund X
PSOM Student Conf X
Career Adv and Stud Life X
Dean’s Fund X
Norman H Anderson X (Psych Major)
Dependent Care X
NW Conf Travel X (NW)

Sample Budget Components

  • Meeting registration
  • Hotel (official meeting hotel)
  • Flight (economy)
  • Food $50/day
  • Transportation to/from airport
  • Poster printing

BSD Office of Diversity & Inclusion Small Grants Program (SGP) (BSD or UCMC Staff, Students or Trainees (Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral Students, Resident Physicians)

  • Deadline: Third Friday of each month from August – May.
  • Amount: Max $2000

HDSI Travel Grant Program (BSD or UCMC Staff, Students or Trainees (Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral Students, Resident Physicians)

  • Deadline: March, July, Nov
  • Amount: Max $1000

Graduate Council Research & Personal Development Fund (Graduate Students)

  • Deadline: unclear
  • Amount: Max $600 if presenting to an in-person conference; $300 if not presenting or presenting at virtual conference; or $200 if not presenting and virtual conference

myChOICE Travel Award (BSD Graduate Student or Post-Doctoral Students)

  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Amount: Max $500

Internal Medicine Educational Fund (UChicago Internal Medicine Residents)


  • Deadline: no application, submit expenses to program
  • Amount: Max $300 per year

Pritzker School of Medicine Student Conference Funding Support  (UChicago Medical Students)

  • Deadline: rolling
  • Amount: Unspecified, usually up to $1000, can include $75 for poster printing

Career Advancement and Campus and Student Life Professional Development Fund Conference Grants (UChicago Undergraduate Students)

  • Deadline: Rolling. Submit application no later than May 1.
  • Amount: Max $1,500

Dean’s Fund for Undergraduate Research CONFERENCE (UChicago Undergraduate Students)

  • Deadline: Rolling during academic year
  • Amount: Max $1500


Norman H. Anderson Conference Travel Grants (UChicago Undergraduate Student with Psychology Major)

  • Deadline: unclear, likely rolling
  • Amount: Max $800

Dependent Care Professional Travel Grant Program (UChicago Assistant, Associate, or Professor)

  • Deadline: rolling
  • Amount: max $1000

Northwestern Conference Travel Grant (NW Undergraduate Students)

  • Deadline: rolling during academic year
  • Amount: max $500