Teams and Admitting:

  • Two teams of one resident and one hospitalist each.
    • R service: A mix of gen med and cards patients
    • T service: A mix of gen med and liver patients
  • Admitting occurs daily, and will mostly be overnight handoffs, NOT fresh admits from the ED. That said, occasionally if you do not fill to cap with handoffs you might receive a fresh admit from the ED
  • General Hours: 7:30am-until work is finished, can sign out after 5pm on weekdays and after 12pm on weekends. Each resident gets one weekend day off.
  • Each service will have 2 pagers, R1 and R2, T1 and T2. The resident will carry the R2 or the T2 pager.
  • Each resident fills to a cap of 7 patients, the corresponding attending will also have up to 7 patients for a team total of 14
  • Workroom: Wyler C117 will house R attending and R resident as well as T attending and T resident (map attached to this email)



  • 7:30am – be present in workroom to receive overnight admission assignments. Patients will be distributed to each FCP each morning to fill to cap with new admissions/transfers
  • 8am – 11:30am – morning work
  • 11am MDR – currently via Zoom:
  • 11:30am-1pm – residents attend MR and conference
  • 1pm-5pm – afternoon work and rounds
  • 2:30pm on Tuesday and Thursday – teaching sessions with both attendings and residents in C117 (see below)
  • 5pm – can sign out to LG shift


Rounding expectations:

  • Rounding will occur in the afternoons at a time and format decided on by each team.
  • Residents will be expected to have seen and directed the daily plan of care for their patients throughout the morning.
  • Residents and attendings will decide together the format for rounds (i.e., bedside, hallway, card flipping).
  • Residents are responsible for all primary care for patients on their FCP pager, including orders, MDR, consultation communication, daily progress notes and discharge summary documentation.
  • Attendings are responsible for the same for their FCP patients, and for staffing and billing for all team patients.


Teaching sessions:

  • Occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays, facilitated by the T attending on Tuesday and by the R attending on Thursday. Attendings will be responsible for selecting content related to cases seen during the week and team preferences. Both R & T team members will be expected to attend each session.