Pager Name

Pager ID

General Medicine Admitting MD
General Medicine Team A Intern 1
General Medicine Team A Intern 2
General Medicine Team B Intern 1
General Medicine Team B Intern 2
General Medicine Team C Intern 1
General Medicine Team C Intern 2
General Medicine Team D Intern 1
General Medicine Team D Intern 2
 T-Team A
 T-Team B
 T-Team C
T-Team Call Resident 8542
HEM/ONC Admitting MD
HONC Team A Intern
HONC Team B Intern
HONC Team C Intern
 HONC Team D Intern  5462
Leukemia Admitting Pager 5385
Cardiology Admitting MD
Cardiology Intern Night Float On-Call
Cardiology Team A Intern
Cardiology Team B Intern
Cardiology Team C Intern
Cardiology Team D Intern
CCU Resident
CCU Intern Virtual Pager
CCU “Moonlighter”
CCU Team A Intern
CCU Team B Intern
CCU Team C Intern
MICU Resident
MICU Night Float Intern
MICU Team A Intern 1
MICU Team A Intern 2
MICU Team B Intern 1
MICU Team B Intern 2
MICU Team C Intern 1
MICU Team C Intern 2
MICU Team D Intern 1
MICU Team D Intern 2
Medical Resident On-Call (MROC)

Team Pagers:

Each intern will sign into their respective virtual pager at the beginning of each day. Each intern working a normal day (not on-call or post-call) will then sign their virtual pager over to the cross covering intern (or dayfloat) at the end of each day. Upon leaving the hospital, each intern should sign their personal pagers over to the cross-covering virtual pager or the dayfloat virtual pager.

To Use General Medicine Team A as an example:

Call day: Senior resident will sign into the General Medicine Admitting MD pager and the “night intern”, in this case, General Medicine Team A Intern 2 virtual pager.  The “day intern” is signed into General Medicine Team A Intern 1 pager. When the “night intern” arrives, he/she will sign into General Medicine Team A Intern 2 virtual pager and the “day intern” signs over General Medicine Team A Intern 1 pager to the on-call senior resident.  The intern can then his/her personal pager be covered by General Medicine Team A Intern 1 virtual pager.

Post call day: The “day intern” places themselves “in on page” and signs back into General Medicine Team A Intern 1 virtual and the General Medicine Day Float signs into General Medicine Team A Intern 2 virtual pager as well as General Medicine Dayfloat virtual pager. The senior resident and the “night intern” will then go home with their own pagers signed over to their respective virtual pager. When the on-call dayfloat arrives in the afternoon, he or she will take over the General Medicine Dayfloat virtual pager, which will have the other general medicine virtual pagers signed over to it as part of cross cover.

Post-post call day: The senior resident is not signed in to any virtual pagers; both interns place their personal pagers to “in – on page” and then subsequently cover their respective virtual pagers.

Pre-call day: Assuming its the interns day off, the resident will sign in to both intern virtual pagers.

Cross-cover: When an intern signs out, the on-call dayfloat will have the General Medicine Dayfloat virtual pager cover the interns virtual pager.


Sub-I Pagers: 

  • The Resident should sign into the designated resident pager daily.
  • The Sub-I should sign into the designated subintern pager daily.
  • The Sub-I GROUP pager should be used as the First Contact Provider. No one should directly sign into this pager. It should be listed as “in on page.” Pages sent to the GROUP pager will go to both the designated resident and Sub-I
Sub-I GROUP pager (use as FCP) Resident Pager Sub-I Pager
General Medicine Gens Team B Intern 3, 4000 Gens Team B Resident, 8753 Gens Team B Subintern, 8765
T-Team T-Team Sub-I Group, 11088 T-Team B, 7644 T-Team B Sub-I, 30004 (pw 30004)
Cardiology  Cardiology Team A Sub I Group, 11107 Cardiology Team A Resident, 30005 (pw 30005) Cardiology Team A Subintern, 30006 (pw 30006)