Course Director: Nabil Abou Baker
Prerequisite: None
PGY year requirement: None
Residency program: Open to residents in Medicine-Pediatrics, Medicine, or Pediatrics.
Goals: Learn inpatient and outpatient management of sickle cell disease and complications from sickle cell disease.
1. Understand inpatient management of vaso-occlusive events (VOE) and its complications in patients with sickle cell disease
a. Create and modify pain plans for patients
2. Distinguish between VOE, acute chest syndrome, CVA, splenic sequestration, hyperhemolysis syndrome
3. Identify approved disease-modifying medications for sickle cell disease
4. Evaluate birth control options for female patients with sickle cell disease
5. Name preventive health measures to improve morbidity and mortality of patients with sickle cell disease
6. Work in a multidisciplinary team to improve the care of patients with sickle cell disease
7. Learn about the importance of transitioning from the pediatric model of care to the adult model of care
8. Learn about sickle cell disease-related research at the University of Chicago
Rotational sites:
All inpatient and outpatient rotations will take place at the University of Chicago and La Rabida. Inpatient sickle cell consult service will be at Mitchell Hospital and CCD with Nabil Abou Baker, Andrea Bundy, and Joe Giannini. Adolescent and young adult sickle cell clinic will be at Comer with Radhika Peddinti and Coleen Murphy. Pediatric sickle cell clinic will be at La Rabida with Radhika Peddinti and Wendy Darlington. Adult sickle cell clinic will be in DCAM Patricia Chapman-Kelly.
Self-guided learning:
The resident will be given the sickle cell disease guidelines for the management of sickle cell disease.
Online sickle cell disease modules may be available for additional learning opportunities.