Autopsy Request forms may be found by searching the intranet.  The form can also be downloaded here.

There is also an Autopsy Conference on Tuesday mornings at 8:30am in Room S-044.

Gross and histologic pathology of recent cases are reviewed and any interested clinician is encouraged to attend.

Please contact the resident or attending pathologist if you have any questions about a specific case.

Please also make an effort to notify the family/next of kin of the autopsy findings – this process of notification should be discussed when obtaining consent for the autopsy itself.

Pathology Material

  • All deaths of patients who received care by residents must be reviewed and autopsies performed whenever possible.
  • Residents must receive autopsy reports after autopsies are completed on their patients.”



  • To ensure review of all deaths on inpatient teaching services
  • To ensure autopsy results are delivered to DOM residents and fellows who participated in the care of the involved patients



  • May provides DOM Education Office with list of inpatient medicine deaths on a monthly basis.
  • Dorothy Peoples of pathology provides the DOMEO with copies of autopsy reports on a monthly basis.
  • Contact the Resident/Expiration Certificate Signer and assess the clinical team of the expired patient.
  • Autopsy reports are delivered with an attached memo (addressing the purpose of reports) to mailboxes of interns, and residents, involved in the care of these patients. Reports will be disseminated to all sub-specialty area coordinators who will distribute to fellows.
  • A list of medicine autopsies complete with name of affiliated resident and intern delivered to the Chiefs office.
  • List of deaths delivered to PD, John McConville.