MR Powerpoint Template


The display monitors in A700 are widescreen 16×9. For optimal presentation results, we recommend creating PowerPoint slides with these same dimensions.

The default slide size in newer versions of PowerPoint (Powerpoint 2013 for Windows; Powerpoint 2016 for Mac OS X) is 16:9. The default slide size in previous versions of PowerPoint was 4:3.


Here’s how to resize your slides:



  1. Highlight the design tab (green arrow)
  2. Identify the screen size option on the far right (red arrow)
  3. Select “Widescreen (16:9)”





  1. Highlight the design tab (green arrow)
  2. Click the “Page Setup” button on the far left (red arrow)
  3. Change the page width to 16 inches and the page height to 9 inches (blue arrow)
